Page 2 & 3 - Fritillaria, Scilla, Allium, Cyclamen

"Our Favourites" catalogue pages 2-3



A mix of fascinating purple-chequered and white dainty nodding bells preferring moist soil and semi-..


Scilla hyacinthoides, Blue squill

Scilla hyacinthoides, Blue squill

Tall airy spikes of flowers in late spring. Bulbs form large clumps at the soil surface. Ideally sui..


ALLIUM Purple Rain

ALLIUM Purple Rain

Spectacular purple heads to 15cm across on stems to around 90cm tall. Vigorous, late spring. Sorry, ..




Masses of pink, cerise or white flowers and rounded leaves. Superb for shade. Winter flowering...


CYCLAMEN hederifolium

CYCLAMEN hederifolium

Masses of pink or white flowers and splendid marbled leaves in late summer. Superb for shade. 1-2 y..


CYCLAMEN hederifolium large

CYCLAMEN hederifolium large

Masses of pink or white flowers and splendid marbled leaves in late summer. Superb for shade. 4+ ye..


ALLIUM sphaerocephalon

ALLIUM sphaerocephalon

Drumsticks. Tight heads of purple flowers to about 75cm tall. Not for WA or Tas...


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